As a mama of a thee year old and one and a half year old who’s recently embarked on this journey in Substack world, reading your words gave me such a feeling of solidarity. Like you, I try my best at prioritizing a period of “me” time in my days but with children around generally I try grab those pockets of time when I can as I put less pressure on myself this way, and more often than not, something does flow out of me where I, too, read it back and think, “where did that even come from?”. I think that if the passion is there, the words are there no matter the currents of life. I think it’s the meeting of intention and moment, whatever that moment holds. x

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Yes! I love this and I so so relate. The moment will carry us and our creativity in whatever direction it needs to go, as long as we just keep showing up and letting our passion see the light of day. Thank you for this lovely xx

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Tara Franca

And as I finish reading the last few words I take the biggest breath out. Seen and heard and everything in between. This is exactly what unneeded to read this morning.

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Taking an exhale right now alongside you. This makes me so happy to read. So happy it landed for you lovely x

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Yes I love this! Giggled at the googling noise canceling headphones bit. I feel SO SEEN in your process xxx

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Haha it’s either that or having Airbnb tabs open, searching for a local creative getaway 😂

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Darling, I loved reading this. Us mamas know it all to well. I find myself in those moments often and learned over the years to let go of the expectations of what I want my writing process to look like. Some days it's organised and I get a whole hour or more and some days it's messy and I write in 5 minute blocks throughout the day. It looks different all the time. But I make sure I write regardless. I share about it in my letter tomorrow, feel free to read and let me know what you think xxx

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I can’t wait to read it my love. It’s a constant theme for us mamas isn’t it - when in doubt, let go some more 😂 xx

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Hahah yes letting go .. the theme of my life 😂😂

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This was so delicious to read, thank you. As a therapist, who also loves to write, I know the feeling of that distraction and know that it’s my nervous system acting all dysregulated so I remind myself that I can only write when back in connection with self. That coming home to self first is so key before writing for me 🤍

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Yes! I relate to this. And for me, writing has such a beautiful way of restoring that connection to myself too. Like it clears the roads inside my body, and sweeps away the tension that lets me finally exhale. Creativity really is the gift that keeps on giving x

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I agree - that feeling of creative flow can be so very healing on our nervous system - the words flow differently from that place 🤍

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Oh I really relate!! And I love a behind the scenes of real Mama life! Thank you for sharing the messy and true presence so beautifully. Xx

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Thank you beautiful. It’s funny how the BTS mess often feels the least shareable and yet it holds so much value for us all xx

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I have three children 4 and half an under, let alone physical and mental health conditions. When I’m “trying” to be a writer or, (better) connect with others through my writing, I often think - who do you think you are?? Be grateful for a family and dedicate yourself to them. Now is not your time! Then I realise I’m not trying to be a martyr and my creative expressions allow my children to see how I’m trying to live authentically.

It’s always a joy to find another new mum to connect with who is a creative. I also aspire to home school so looking forward to reading more about your experience doing that.

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Ahh that ‘just be grateful’ line is a common one isn’t it. Like somehow one thing has to cancel out the other. When really, writing IS how I dedicate myself to my children. It IS how I mother, at the end of the day. It expands my emotional capacity, my curiosity, my groundedness to traverse their own humanity with them. Writing is the ‘how’, not another ‘what’. And I’m so thrilled that’s being woven through your experience too. So grateful to have you here, and I’ve got sooo much homeschooling goodness to share soon 😘

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The beauty in surrender. The wholeness in being with what is. Beautiful, relatable read 🧡

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